Ideas with Impact
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Who we are: Mike Johnson
Who we are: Katy Eachus
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Mike Johnson has been a BBC television and radio reporter and presenter for more than twenty years. You can watch and listen to examples of his work by clicking on this BBC link.

Mike says:

"The journalism I've done of which I'm most proud involves giving a voice to people who wouldn't normally have one.

"So if you click here you'll find a Radio 4 programme where I spoke to the boss of a company who believes murderers and armed robbers make better employees. It's all about the challenges and opportunities of employing ex-offenders. Jump to 17:25 in the programme to find it.

"And if you click here you can listen to a report about workers who live on the breadline - it features the man who cleaned then HSBC chairman Sir John Bond's office - he stood up at the company's annual general meeting and questioned the moralilty of a company which makes billions in profit but doesn't take responsibility for the low-paid workers servicing its offices."
